Category Archives: Windows

Get Android Studio debug certificate fingerprints on Windows

Here is a small batch file that will retrieve Android Studio debug certificate fingerprints. Make sure that keytool.exe is in your %PATH%

@echo off
keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Copy / paste the a bough commands in an empty file and save it with a .bat extension.

Android Studio debug certificate fingerprints

Android Studio debug certificate fingerprints

GoClever GC-4366FMBT firmware

After a long time of collecting dust I decided that I should resurrect my broken GPS navigation – GoClever GC-4366FMBT.

goclever_4366_fmbt_tmc_bBy resurrecting I mean removing GeoShell and the cracked Garmin using PortSplitter because of who my original Mireo GPS navigation wasn’t working. It was crashing on the “Attaching GPS…” message while loading.

Trying various methods to fix the problem all unsuccessful I finally decided that I should re-install the firmware of the GPS. After searching “past the first page of Google” (it was hell of a search and the trial and error method ) I finally found a suitable firmware for GoClever-GC4366FMBT, Mireo Black Edition 3.1 and the newest maps for Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Macedonia and Serbia. Now the GPS is working again 🙂

Here is how to re-install the firmware of the device (links for firmware download included) and how to setup the navigation software.

Firmware installation

1.Download and extract it.
2.Copy the contents of the archive on an SD card and insert the card in the GPS
3.Turn on the device. The device will boot and will start to update the firmware

20131105_2202584. After a few minutes you will be ready. The default language of the device after the update will be Polish. Change it to your preference by navigating to the settings icon and than to the language icon.

Don’t forget to delete the firmware files from the SD card or next time you turn on the GPS the process will start again.

Mireo viaGPS v3.1 installation

After firmware installation the device will loose it’s GPS software ( it will do if you like me don’t do a backup of the ‘MobileNavigator’ folder from the ‘Resident Flash’ )

Download Mireo viaGPS Black Edition v3.1 (detailed map of Bulgaria included) extract the archive and rename the extracted folder ‘MobileNavigator’. Copy ‘MobileNavigator’ to your resident flash or SD card. Start the device and select Navigate. That’s it. You have a working GPS navigation with updated stock software and maps.

Here is an archive with detailed maps of Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Macedonia and Serbia as of 2012-06. If you look hard enough you will find complete map of Europe dating 2012-06.

NOTE: The license for the 3D MAPS in the archive a bough is not working 

Windows 7 USB installation

Due to the enormous amount of software installs and uninstalls I decided it’s about time to reinstall my desktop machine. Having no spare DVD around my installation media of choice was a USB key.

Installing windows 7 from USB key is quite fast actually. Here is how to prepare Windows 7 bootable USB.

The requirements
NOTE: My installation was Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64. After completion of this process the space occupied on the USB key was 3,11 GB.

You will need a flash drive around 4 GB, an ISO image or DVD of Windows 7 and a machine running Windows XP or later. Also an archive tool able to extract ISO files. I use 7-Zip.

Preparing the installation media

1. Formatting the USB drive
Plug in the USB memory stick, right click on the drive in ‘Computer’ and select ‘Format…’. I recommend doing complete format by removing the check box next to ‘Quick Format’ option.


Depending on the drive size and speed the format will take some time.

2. Making the USB drive bootable
For this step we will use a command line utility called Diskpart. It’s bundled with every Windows version from 2000 onward.

To start Diskpart, click on the Start button and type diskpart. The diskpart utility will appear. Give it some time to load and enumerate your drives.

NOTE: For complete list of commands that the utility supports type: help at the DISKPART> command prompt.


To list your drives type list disks. From the list of your drives find the USB stick by comparing the size of the drive with the size of your USB stick. In my case the flash drive was ‘Disk 3’


At the ‘DISKPART>’ command prompt select your USB drive by entering the following command where # is the drive number of your flash drive:

DISKPART> select disk #

Now type in the following sequence of commands:

DISKPART> create partition primary
DISKPART> active

Close the utility by typing:


Your flash drive is now bootable. It’s time to copy the windows installation files on it.

3. Coping the Windows 7 installation

Extract the Windows 7 iso image to a location of your choice. If you are using 7-zip right click on the .iso image select 7-zip and from the sub menu select ‘Extract files…

NOTE: If you are turning Windows 7 DVD in to a bootable Flash drive installation just copy the contents of the DVD on the flash drive.


Copy the contents of the extracted .ISO file on your USB drive as you normally would.

Now you have a bootable Windows 7 installation. Restart your computer and set it to boot from the USB. Install Windows 7 as you normally would.

This method is applicable also for Windows 2000, XP and Vista.

Command Prompt Here

Have you ever wanted to open a Command Prompt in the folder you are currently browsing in Windows Explorer. It’s time saving feauture that’s not present currently in Windows. If you do a Google search, you will find various methods for doing this. The method that I will show you will not require instalation of some software sush as Cmd Here powertoy.

So here is how is done:
1. Open Control Panel ( or in Windows Explorer select the Tools menu and then Folder Options ) and navigate to Folder Options

2. In the “Folder Options” property page select File Types and in the “Registered file types:” list select {NONE} | Folder

Folder Options property page
3.Click the “Advanced” button. The “Edit File Type” dialog will apear

4.Click on the “New” button, the “New Action” dialog will apear

5. In the “Action:” field type “Command Prpmpt” or name of your choice, and in the “Application used to preform the action:” type cmd.exe.

6. Click “OK” to close the “New Action” dialog, click “OK” to close “Edit File Type” dialog and “OK” to close the “Folder Options” dialog.

Now when you right click on a folder in Windows Explorer you shoud see an context menu entry labeled “Command Prompt”, click on it to open a “cmd.exe” window in the selected folder.