Tag Archives: MD5

Get Android Studio debug certificate fingerprints on Windows

Here is a small batch file that will retrieve Android Studio debug certificate fingerprints. Make sure that keytool.exe is in your %PATH%

@echo off
keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Copy / paste the a bough commands in an empty file and save it with a .bat extension.

Android Studio debug certificate fingerprints

Android Studio debug certificate fingerprints


vHash is small Windows utility for generating hashes using various cryptography providers and algorithms that they support such as MD-5, SHA-1, etc. It’s written on C using Win32 API making it light and dependency free.

Currently the utility does not support keyed hash algorithms such as HMAC or MAC. Also the program is Unicode.


Downloads and more information are available on the vHash project page.