Yearly Archives: 2007

Adding custom resources in Visual Studio 2003 “Add Resource” dialog box

For some projects I create resources that can be reused in other projects. Such as dialog boxes, images, etc…

It’s waste of time to recreate those resources again and again for each project you use them in, so after some investigation I have found a way to add custom resources in VS 2003 “Add Resource” dialog box.

Open C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\VCResourceTemplates\1033\mfc.rct in VS 2003. Open a resource file from wich you want to get some resources. Right click on the resource you want to copy and from the popup menu select “Copy” then paste the resource in mfc.rct. Or just drag selected resource to mfc.rct.

Note: mfc.rct may have different path. It depends on your VS 2003 instalation!

Usefull feature in Windows XP SP2

Alternative IP configuration in Windows XP

I think it’s introduced in Windows XP SP2 because I havent noticed the precense of such feature in earlier XP releases.

What is it for? It help’s you to use two different set’s of configurations on one LAN card. Very usefull if you own a laptop. I was thinking of writing such helper tool!

How to reach it.
1. Right click on “My Network Places” and select Properties, then right click on you network connection, from the dialog select “TCP/IP Protocol” and click “Properties”, select the alternative tab.

Windows will switch to your alternative settings if it fails to obtain IP from DHCP server (such as one I has at home). The alternative configuration in my case is that at work.

Moving Visual Studio.NET 2003 settings to another PC

Fairly simple:

On source computer

  1. Start Registry Editor (Start->Run and type regedit)
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Visual Studio\7.1
  3. Right click, select “Export” and save the reg file
  4. Navigate to C:\Document And Settigs\$USER_NAME$\Application Data\Microsoft\Visual Studio\ and compress (add to zip, etc…) the folder named 7.1

On destination computer

  1. Start Registry Editor (Start->Run and type regedit)
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Visual Studio\7.1
  3. Create backup by renaming the 7.1 folder
  4. Exit the Registry Editor and navigate to previously exported registry settings, right click on them and select “Merge”.
  5. Navigate to the archived folder (see step 4 in “On destination computer”) and extract it in C:\Document And Settigs\$USER_NAME$\Application Data\Microsoft\Visual Studio\

Start Visual Studio and review your configuration if everything is as it shood remove the registry backup you created in step 3.

The 404 poem

Just browsing, and I get this insted of 404 page, cool :)

The 404 poem

It is said, “To err is human,”
That quote from alt.times.lore,
Alas, you have made an error,
So I say, “404.”

Double-check your URL,
As we all have heard before.
You ask for an invalid filename,
And I respond, “404.”

Perhaps you made a typo —
Your fingers may be sore —
But until you type it right,
You’ll only get 404.

Maybe you followed a bad link,
Surfing a foreign shore;
You’ll just have to tell that author
About this 404.

I’m just a lowly server
(Who likes to speak in metaphor),
So for a request that I don’t know,
I must return 404.

Be glad I’m not an old mainframe
That might just dump its core,
Because then you’d get a ten-meg file
Instead of this 404.

I really would like to help you,
But I don’t know what you’re looking for,
And since I don’t know what you want,
I give you 404.

Remember Poe, insane with longing
For his tragically lost Lenore.
Instead, you quest for files.
Quoth the Raven, “404!”

Fix: You can’t type cyrillic characters in web forms using Internet Explorer?

Recently I has encountared a problem where I was not able to type cyrillic characters in web forms using Iternet Explorer 6 web browser. It was very furstrating for me, because I participate in greate number of web forums, news grous, etc… where I write using cyrillic characters. After some hacking around it turns out that the problem lise in the BitComet extention for Internet Explorer, I disabled the extention (Add-On) and everything now is back to normal.

To disable an Internet Explorer Ad-On:

  1. From the menu bar select Tools and then Manage Add-0ns….
  2. In “Manage Add-ons” dialog box find the Add-On (in this case BitCommet Helper) select it and then click Disable in “Settings” below the Add-ons list.
  3. Restart Internet Explorer

Here is a list of faulty Add-ons I have tried. I will try to keep this list updated as possible:

  • BitComet
  • Google Toolbar

You may suggest faulty Add-ons using the comment system.