Tag Archives: signal

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info version 1.6.17 released

I’m happy to announce that a new version of GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info is now available on Google Play

This release:
* Introduces a set of features that will help us better assist you if you have problems with the app. (disabled by default, navigate to the app “About” section to enable.)
* Introduces an experimental workaround for manufacturers “battery saving” features. This handle the case where the app stops by itself after some time, as reported by some of our users. (disabled by default, navigate to the app “About” section to enable.)
* Adds consent for personalized Ads as required by EU GDPR

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info

GSM Signal Monitor notifies you when you have no GSM signal or mobile data.

Get it on Google Play

Ever wanted to call someone, but your phone has no GSM coverage?

Or you are living / working in a low signal area?

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ monitors the phone (or tablet with SIM card) signal strength and alerts you when you are out of service or in a low signal zone.

No signal / low signal alerts include: voice notifications, vibration, notification on the device screen and playing a ringtone. You can personalize how you get notified in the app settings.

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ can also notify you when the signal is restored, your mobile data is lost you are in a roaming area.

The app also provides information about device SIM cards such as phone number, voice mail number, SIM Card Serial number (ICCID), Subscriber Id (IMSI), mobile operator info and network type. This SIM card info can be easily shared by tapping on the share button or copied in the device clipboard.

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ logs every signal related event in its notifications log. The notification log keeps information when the GSM signal is lost, restored or low. It also logs information when the mobile data is lost or roaming is active. You can configure what’s logged in settings. The log can be exported in CSV, PDF and HTML formats.

Each logged event contains location and additional details about device and network states such as: network operator, network type, data connection state, roaming state, ram usage, battery temperature, battery state (charging/not charging) and battery level at the time of the event.

You can monitor your signal strength as it changes dynamically from the app main screen or in the notification area.


• Notifications when the signal is lost / restored
• Notifications when you are in a low signal zone (available as in-app purchase)
• Log events when data connection is lost or device enters roaming
• Event location and additional details
• Customizable log export in CSV, PDF and HTML formats. (available as in-app purchase)
• Detailed SIM card info
• 4G (LTE) signal monitoring
• Dual / multi SIM devices support (requires Android 5.1 or newer)
• Quiet hours (the app can be configured to suppress its notification during specified time period)
• Real time information about the GSM signal strength and quality in decibels (dBm)
• Low battery shutdown (GSM Signal Monitor will stop when device battery is low, the app will auto start again when the battery is sufficiently charged)
• Starting the app when the device starts
• App shortcuts
• Day Night theme with dark and light modes
• Simple/enhanced service notification styles and configurable behavior on how you get notified when actively using your device.
• Great number of configuration options

GSM Signal Monitor is NOT a signal booster app!

GSM Signal Monitor web page: https://getsignal.app/

Get it on Google Play

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info version 1.6.16 released

I’m happy to announce that a new version of GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info is now available on Google Play

This release:
* Improves 5G support (for Android 12 and newer)
* Improves network type discovery
* Introduces better handling for ‘Do Not Disturb’ exclusions list
* Adds an option to delete a single log entry
* Stability and performance improvements.

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info

GSM Signal Monitor notifies you when you have no GSM signal or mobile data.

Get it on Google Play

Ever wanted to call someone, but your phone has no GSM coverage?

Or you are living / working in a low signal area?

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ monitors the phone (or tablet with SIM card) signal strength and alerts you when you are out of service or in a low signal zone.

No signal / low signal alerts include: voice notifications, vibration, notification on the device screen and playing a ringtone. You can personalize how you get notified in the app settings.

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ can also notify you when the signal is restored, your mobile data is lost you are in a roaming area.

The app also provides information about device SIM cards such as phone number, voice mail number, SIM Card Serial number (ICCID), Subscriber Id (IMSI), mobile operator info and network type. This SIM card info can be easily shared by tapping on the share button or copied in the device clipboard.

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ logs every signal related event in its notifications log. The notification log keeps information when the GSM signal is lost, restored or low. It also logs information when the mobile data is lost or roaming is active. You can configure what’s logged in settings. The log can be exported in CSV, PDF and HTML formats.

Each logged event contains location and additional details about device and network states such as: network operator, network type, data connection state, roaming state, ram usage, battery temperature, battery state (charging/not charging) and battery level at the time of the event.

You can monitor your signal strength as it changes dynamically from the app main screen or in the notification area.


• Notifications when the signal is lost / restored
• Notifications when you are in a low signal zone (available as in-app purchase)
• Log events when data connection is lost or device enters roaming
• Event location and additional details
• Customizable log export in CSV, PDF and HTML formats. (available as in-app purchase)
• Detailed SIM card info
• 4G (LTE) signal monitoring
• Dual / multi SIM devices support (requires Android 5.1 or newer)
• Quiet hours (the app can be configured to suppress its notification during specified time period)
• Real time information about the GSM signal strength and quality in decibels (dBm)
• Low battery shutdown (GSM Signal Monitor will stop when device battery is low, the app will auto start again when the battery is sufficiently charged)
• Starting the app when the device starts
• App shortcuts
• Day Night theme with dark and light modes
• Simple/enhanced service notification styles and configurable behavior on how you get notified when actively using your device.
• Great number of configuration options

GSM Signal Monitor is NOT a signal booster app!

GSM Signal Monitor web page: https://getsignal.app/

Get it on Google Play

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info version 1.6.14 released

I’m happy to announce that a new version of GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info is now available on Google Play

This release adds an option for playing ringtone and vibrating when signal is restored.

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info

GSM Signal Monitor notifies you when you have no GSM signal or mobile data.

Get it on Google Play

Ever wanted to call someone, but your phone has no GSM coverage?

Or you are living / working in a low signal area?

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ monitors the phone (or tablet with SIM card) signal strength and alerts you when you are out of service or in a low signal zone.

No signal / low signal alerts include: voice notifications, vibration, notification on the device screen and playing a ringtone. You can personalize how you get notified in the app settings.

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ can also notify you when the signal is restored, your mobile data is lost you are in a roaming area.

The app also provides information about device SIM cards such as phone number, voice mail number, SIM Card Serial number (ICCID), Subscriber Id (IMSI), mobile operator info and network type. This SIM card info can be easily shared by tapping on the share button or copied in the device clipboard.

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ logs every signal related event in its notifications log. The notification log keeps information when the GSM signal is lost, restored or low. It also logs information when the mobile data is lost or roaming is active. You can configure what’s logged in settings. The log can be exported in CSV, PDF and HTML formats.

Each logged event contains location and additional details about device and network states such as: network operator, network type, data connection state, roaming state, ram usage, battery temperature, battery state (charging/not charging) and battery level at the time of the event.

You can monitor your signal strength as it changes dynamically from the app main screen or in the notification area.


• Notifications when the signal is lost / restored
• Notifications when you are in a low signal zone (available as in-app purchase)
• Log events when data connection is lost or device enters roaming
• Event location and additional details
• Customizable log export in CSV, PDF and HTML formats. (available as in-app purchase)
• Detailed SIM card info
• 4G (LTE) signal monitoring
• Dual / multi SIM devices support (requires Android 5.1 or newer)
• Quiet hours (the app can be configured to suppress its notification during specified time period)
• Real time information about the GSM signal strength and quality in decibels (dBm)
• Low battery shutdown (GSM Signal Monitor will stop when device battery is low, the app will auto start again when the battery is sufficiently charged)
• Starting the app when the device starts
• App shortcuts
• Day Night theme with dark and light modes
• Simple/enhanced service notification styles and configurable behavior on how you get notified when actively using your device.
• Great number of configuration options

GSM Signal Monitor is NOT a signal booster app!

GSM Signal Monitor web page: https://getsignal.app/

Get it on Google Play

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info version 1.6.13 released

I’m happy to announce that a new version of GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info is now available on Google Play

This release provides better eSim experience and adds support for Android 13.

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Info

GSM Signal Monitor notifies you when you have no GSM signal or mobile data.

Get it on Google Play

Ever wanted to call someone, but your phone has no GSM coverage?

Or you are living / working in a low signal area?

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ monitors the phone (or tablet with SIM card) signal strength and alerts you when you are out of service or in a low signal zone.

No signal / low signal alerts include: voice notifications, vibration, notification on the device screen and playing a ringtone. You can personalize how you get notified in the app settings.

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ can also notify you when the signal is restored, your mobile data is lost you are in a roaming area.

The app also provides information about device SIM cards such as phone number, voice mail number, SIM Card Serial number (ICCID), Subscriber Id (IMSI), mobile operator info and network type. This SIM card info can be easily shared by tapping on the share button or copied in the device clipboard.

‘GSM Signal Monitor’ logs every signal related event in its notifications log. The notification log keeps information when the GSM signal is lost, restored or low. It also logs information when the mobile data is lost or roaming is active. You can configure what’s logged in settings. The log can be exported in CSV, PDF and HTML formats.

Each logged event contains location and additional details about device and network states such as: network operator, network type, data connection state, roaming state, ram usage, battery temperature, battery state (charging/not charging) and battery level at the time of the event.

You can monitor your signal strength as it changes dynamically from the app main screen or in the notification area.


• Notifications when the signal is lost / restored
• Notifications when you are in a low signal zone (available as in-app purchase)
• Log events when data connection is lost or device enters roaming
• Event location and additional details
• Customizable log export in CSV, PDF and HTML formats. (available as in-app purchase)
• Detailed SIM card info
• 4G (LTE) signal monitoring
• Dual / multi SIM devices support (requires Android 5.1 or newer)
• Quiet hours (the app can be configured to suppress its notification during specified time period)
• Real time information about the GSM signal strength and quality in decibels (dBm)
• Low battery shutdown (GSM Signal Monitor will stop when device battery is low, the app will auto start again when the battery is sufficiently charged)
• Starting the app when the device starts
• App shortcuts
• Day Night theme with dark and light modes
• Simple/enhanced service notification styles and configurable behavior on how you get notified when actively using your device.
• Great number of configuration options

GSM Signal Monitor is NOT a signal booster app!

GSM Signal Monitor web page: https://getsignal.app/

Get it on Google Play

Automating Google Play Store reports with ‘gsutil’ and Windows PowerShell

Why (feel free to skip)

As Android developer I have various mobile devices (phones, tablets, watches) with all Android version starting 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14) up to Android 12 (L, API 31). Those devices accompanied by very detailed test scenarios help me ensure best possible user experience 🙂

Android test devices

As Android developer I have various mobile devices (phones, tablets, watches) with all Android version starting 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 14) up to Android 12 (L, API 31).

When prepping release for an app, all test cases for that particular app are performed on each device. For each Android version I keep track of active installs and user rating. Applying that data in the test scenario. This helps me focus more on particular set of for ex. unhappy users running specific OS version.

Below is a screenshot of a test scenario for one of my apps: GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Card Info.

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Card Info test scenario

GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Card Info test scenario

Each Android version has number of active installs and rating. Going to Google Play Store dev console and collecting this information by hand is somehow tedious job, so I decided to automate it using ‘Google Cloud Storage Util‘ and a bit of Windows PowerShell scripting.


Our task is to fetch Google Play store monthly reports for app installs and ratings by OS version, filter them and get data that can easily be copy pasted in the ‘Active Installs‘ tab of the test scenario.

1. Cloud Storage bucket ID

Google Play reports, beside dev console can also be accessed via Google Cloud Storage bucket associated with your developer account. You can go to “Download reports”, pick the report type you want and select “Copy Cloud Storage URI” next to it.

Google Play Cloud Storage URI

The url will look like this

gs://< bucket_id >/stats/installs/

where < bucket_id > will be your actual developer account cloud storage bucket. Remember this bucket id. We will be using it later.

2. Install gsutil

Google provides GSUtil for using cloud storage from the command line. Head over to https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil_install#expandable-1 and follow the installation instructions.

We will be utilizing the gsutil.cmd assuming that the script is available in system PATH.

Next we need to authorize gsutil to access our cloud storage data. Follow the instructions on how to Authenticate stand-alone gsutil. For ‘project-id’ use the project ID of the app you want to get reports for. I’m interested in retrieving reports for GSM Signal Monitor & SIM Card Info app so I will be using it’s Cloud Storage project id.

Cloud Storage Project ID

If everything is setup correctly, opening command prompt and typing “gsutil help” should produce result similar to the screenshot below:

gsutil help command output

3. PowerShell magic 🙂

Script below will fetch installs and ratings reports from Google Play for specific app for the current month. Will get the last date available in the install report, filter both install and rating reports by ‘last available date’ and strip the reports from rows / columns we are not interested in. It will iterate over the active installs and will try to match installs with the ratings.

Replace $bucketId and $appPackageName with your cloud storage bucket id and your app package name.

Reports fetched from Google Play and the final output will be saved in the current working directory.

Upon execution you will get a report for your app active users/ratings by Android version, based on the data for the last date available in the install report nicely opened in your default text editor.

Script output: Active users and ratings.

P.S: Enable column selection mode in Notepad++ to get only the numbers. Use the arrow keys or your mouse while holding Shift + Alt.

P.S1: More info on how to retrieve various reports with gsutil here.

Feel free to modify the script to suit your reporting needs 🙂