Tag Archives: reply

Fighting spammers: Removing Website URL Field from Comment Form

I’m tired of receiving massive amount of spam comments on my blog (1280 spam comments for about a month) and doing:

DELETE FROM `wp_comments` WHERE `comment_approved` = 0

Beside using SI Captcha Anti-Spam which does pretty good job in keeping some of the automated spam bots at bay, I noticed some trend in the spam comments flooding my posts, they are all full of SEO keywords and they are heavy abusing the Website field in the comment form.

Here is a small “plugin” which will remove (unset) the URL field in the comments form:

Plugin Name: Remove Website field from comments.
function custom_comment_fields( $fields ){
  return $fields;
add_filter( 'comment_form_default_fields', 'custom_comment_fields' );

Create a file in /wp-content/plugins/ with the code a bough. Go to the ‘Plugins’ section of the admin panel and activate the newly created plugin named “Remove Website field from comments”.

Yey, no more “Website” field in the “Leave a Reply” section 🙂